Tag Archives: Panic attack

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Ptsd What Is It Copied with permission from: http://plrplr.com/56327/post-traumatic-stress-disorder-ptsd-what-is-it/


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Over the past decade, as I have worked with cops, firfighters, abuse victims and children of addicts, I have learned that there are many causes for PTSD. It has also affirmed my belief that PTSD is real and harmful, not only to those who have it, but also to those around them. It impacts the way we act, react, our motivation and our capacity to feel–well, anything.

Terrifying experiences that shatter people’s sense of predictability and invulnerability can profoundly alter their coping skills, relationships and the way they perceive and interact with the world. The criteria for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are 1) exposure to a traumatic event(s) in which the person witnessed or experienced or were confronted with an event or events that involved actual or threatened death or serious injury, or a threat to the physical integrity of self or others, and 2) the person’s response involved intense fear, helplessness or horror DSM IV p. 427-28). Gradual Onset Traumatic Stress Disorder can be caused by repeated exposure to “sub-critical incidents” such as child abuse, traffic fatalities, rapes and personal assaults.

Nevertheless, not all people exposed to trauma are “traumatized.” Why? In 1998, Pynoos and Nader proposed a theory to assist in explaining why people have different reactions to the same event. They asserted that people are at greater risk of being negatively impacted by traumatic events if any of the following are present: 1) they have experienced other traumatic events within the preceding 6 months, 2) they were already stressed out or depressed at the time of the event, 3) the situation occurred close to their home or somewhere they considered safe, 4) the victims bear a similarity to a family member or friend and 5) they have little social support.

It has been argued that officers, emergency service personnel, children of addicts and abuse victims experience traumatic events or threats to their safety on an almost daily basis. Being abused, not knowing when or if your parents will come home, repeatedly seeing children murdered, people burned in car fires and devastated victims starts to take its toll. People like idealistic officers who joined the force to change the world and protect the innocent begin to feel like nothing they do makes a difference, they cannot even keep their zone safe (criteria 3). This is especially problematic for officers who live in or near their work zone and often leads to frustration and burnout (criteria 2). Children start to feel that the whole world is uncontrollable and unsafe.

It is still not totally accepted within the law enforcement community for officers to discuss the impact of situations on them. Anger, humor and sarcasm are but a brief outlet for what many officers dream about at night. As their condition worsens, many officers withdraw, because they are fearful of seeking help or support for fear it is a one way ticket to a fitness for duty evaluation or will get out and be an obstacle for future promotions. Several studies in recent years have shown that Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is among the most common of psychiatric disorders.

Another thing that distinguishes people who develop PTSD from those who are just temporarily overwhelmed is that people who develop PTSD become “stuck” on the trauma, keep re-living it in thoughts, feelings, or images. It is this intrusive reliving, rather than the trauma itself that many believe is responsible for what we call PTSD. For example, I have worked with officers who have responded to child abuse calls and had a child of their own who was a similar age (criteria 4). In the course of daily life children get hurt and have bad dreams. As parents they have seen looks of pain and fright on their kids faces. This makes it just that much easier to envision the looks of terror and agony on the face of the child as their parent beat them. Sometimes this visualization gets corrupted and officers suddenly they start to see their child in their mental re-enactment of the trauma, obviously a much more powerful memory. These officers are much more likely to be “traumatized” by the incident and potentially get “stuck.”

Traumatized individuals begin organizing their lives around avoiding the trauma. Avoidance may take many different forms: keeping away from reminders, calling in sick to work, or ingesting drugs or alcohol that numb awareness of distress. The sense of futility, hyperarousal, and other trauma-related changes may permanently change how people deal with stress, alter thier self-concept and interfere with their view of the world as a basically safe and predictable place. In the example above, these people often became even more overprotective of their children, suspicious of others, and had difficulty sleeping, because every time they close their eyes they see the child.

One of the core issues in trauma is the fact that memories of what has happened cannot be integrated into one’s general experience. The lack of people’s ability to make this “fit” into their expectations or the way they think about the world in a way that makes sense keeps the experience stored in the mind on a sensory level. When people encounter smells, sounds or other sensory stimuli that remind them of the event, it may trigger a similar response to what the person originally had: physical sensations (such as panic attacks), visual images (such as flashbacks and nightmares), obsessive ruminations, or behavioral reenactments of elements of the trauma. In the example above, sensory triggers that triggered some of the officers memories were certain cries, hearing or seeing a parent spank their child, returning to the same neighborhood for other calls and, of course, television shows or news reports that involved descriptions of abuse.

The goal of treatment is find a way in which people can acknowledge the reality of what has happened and somehow integrate it into their understanding of the world without having to re-experience the trauma all over again. To be able to tell their story, if you will.

The Symptoms of PTSD

Regardless of the origin of the terror, the brain reacts to overwhelming, threatening, and uncontrollable experiences with conditioned emotional responses. For example, rape victims may respond to conditioned stimuli, such as the approach by an unknown man, as if they were about to be raped again, and experience panic.

Remembrance and intrusion of the trauma is expressed on many different levels, ranging from flashbacks, feelings, physical sensations, nightmares, and interpersonal re-enactments. Interpersonal re-enactments can be especially problematic for the officer leading to over-reaction in situations that remind the officer of previous experiences in which she or he has felt helpless. For example, in the child abuse example above, officers may be much more physically and verbally aggressive toward alleged perpetrators and their reports tend to be much more negative and subjective.

Hyperarousal. While people with PTSD tend to deal with their environment by reducing their range of emotions or numbing, their bodies continue to react to certain physical and emotional stimuli as if there were a continuing threat. This arousal is supposed to alert the person to potential danger, but seems to loose that function in traumatized people. This is sort of like when rookie officers start and a hot call is toned out, they usually have an adrenaline rush. After two or three years, the tones hardly have any impact on them. Since traumatized people are always “keyed up” they often do not pay any attention to that feeling which is supposed to warn them of impending danger.


Numbing of responsiveness. Aware of their difficulties in controlling their emotions, traumatized people seem to spend their energies on avoiding distress. In addition, they lose pleasure in things that previously gave them a sense of satisfaction. They may feel “dead to the world”. This emotional numbing may be expressed as depression, and lack of motivation, or as physical reactions. After being traumatized, many people stop feeling pleasure from involvement in activities, and they feel that they just “go through the motions” of everyday living. Emotional numbness also gets in the way of resolving the trauma in therapy.

Intense emotional reactions and sleep problems. Traumatized people go immediately from incident to reaction without being able to first figure out what makes them so upset. They tend to experience intense fear, anxiety, anger and panic in response to even minor stimuli. This makes them either overreact and intimidate others, or to shut down and freeze. Both adults and children with such hyperarousal will experience sleep problems, because they are unable to settle down enough to go to sleep, and because they are afraid of having nightmares. Many traumatized people report dream-interruption insomnia: they wake themselves up as soon as they start having a dream, for fear that this dream will turn into a trauma-related nightmare. They also are liable to exhibit hypervigilance, exaggerated startle response and restlessness.

Learning difficulties. Being “keyed-up” interferes with the capacity to concentrate and to learn from experience. Traumatized people often have trouble remembering ordinary events. It is helpful to always write things down for them. Often “keyed-up” and having difficulty paying attention, they may display symptoms of attention deficit disorder.

After a trauma, people often regress to earlier modes of coping with stress. In adults, it is expressed in excessive dependence and in a loss of capacity to make thoughtful, independent decisions. In officers, this is often noticed because they suddenly begin making a lot of poor decisions, their reports lose quality and detail and they are unable to focus. In children they may begin wetting their bed, having fears of monsters or having temper tantrums.

Aggression against self and others: Both adults and children who have been traumatized are likely to turn their aggression against others or themselves. Due to their persistent anxiety, traumatized people are almost always “stressed out,” so it does not take much to them set off. This aggression may take many forms ranging from fighting to excessive exercise or obsession about something—anything to keep them from thinking about the trauma.

Psychosomatic reactions. Chronic anxiety and emotional numbing also get in the way of learning to identify and discuss internal states and wishes. May traumatized people report a high frequency of headaches, back and neck aches, gastro-intestinal problems etceteras. Since the stress is being held inside, the body begins to become distressed.


After a trauma, people realize the limited scope of their safety, power and control in the world, and life can never be exactly the same. The traumatic experience becomes part of a person’s life. Sorting out exactly what happened and sharing one’s reactions with others can make a great deal of difference a person’s recovery. Putting the reactions and thoughts related to the trauma into words is essential in the resolution of post traumatic reactions. This should, however, be done with a professional specializing in PTSD due to the wide range of reactions people have when they start confronting and integrating the memories of the trauma.

Failure to approach trauma related material gradually is likely to make things worse. Often, talking about the trauma is not enough: trauma survivors need to take some action that symbolizes triumph over helplessness and despair. The Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem and the Vietnam Memorial in Washington, DC, are good examples of symbols for survivors to mourn the dead and establish the historical and cultural meaning of the traumatic events. There are several events for survivors of traumas that officers can also take part in. These events remind survivors of the fact that there are others who have shared similar experiences. Other symbolic actions may take the form of writing a book, taking political action or helping other victims.

PTSD is real, and can be resolved with time, patience and compassion.


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Exhaustion Can Trigger Anxiety

Why do some people have a problem with anxiety and others do not? This is a question almost everyone who experiences
anxiety asks themselves at some point or another.
Why me?
 My understanding of anxiety is that yes, some people seem more susceptible than others but that the key trigger
tends to be exhaustion. By exhaustion I mean mental, physical, or emotional exhaustion.
(Under physical exhaustion I also include things like diet or substance abuse)
For some it may be exhaustion caused by a hectic life and never taking time to release the stress. People like that
often do not notice their stress levels are so high until they get blindsided by a spontaneous panic attack.
 For others it may be an emotional exhaustion caused by the loss of a loved one or the break up of a long-term relationship.
 If the anxiety is caused by a traumatic life event it is interesting to note that the person frequently does not
experience the anxiety until the event has passed. You often see people dealing very well with a crisis but
then several weeks later when the dust has settled they start to feel the anxiety. It is like they have been
in shock and are only now starting to process the experience.
The most important thing to remember about panic attacks or general anxiety is that help is available and it is
important to get help sooner rather than later. I always recommend visiting your doctor first of all to
really determine that it is just anxiety you are dealing with and not a underlying physical ailment. Once you
are sure that it is anxiety that you dealing with, treat it.highlining-yosemite-falls
Don’t wait
Burying your head in the sand hoping it will simply be gone next week is not an effective way to treat it.
It is totally unnecessary to spend months if not years dealing with something that can be corrected now.
 That help is available right here.
 The Panic Away Program changes the way you process your anxiety enabling you to end panic attacks and general
anxiety. It costs no more than a dinner for two but can change your life so much for the better. Invest in the right kind
of information. Information that puts you back in control of your life. That is the best kind of investment you can make.

Barry Joe McDonagh

All material provided in these blog are for informational or educational purposes only.
No content is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice,
diagnosis or treatment. Consult your physician regarding the applicability
of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your
symptoms or medical condition.
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Panic Attack: Signs, Symptoms

                  Panic Attack: Signs, Symptoms,

                 Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia


Panic Attack: Signs, Symptoms, Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia

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A panic attack is a sudden surge of overwhelming fear,worry and anxiousness, often without any clear reason or cause and without warning. It could actually happen to anyone regardless of age, sex, health and status. Many attacks are a one-time occurrence, however some individuals experience may be recurring episodes. Recurring episodes are often caused by a “trigger” – like speaking in front of a crowd or doing a presentation at work. Panic attacks could also be a symptoms of another disorder. Resembling depression, panic disorder, or social phobia. These, however, are generally harmless, however sufferers nonetheless really feel that their life is in danger. Either way, panic attacks are treatable.

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Signs and Symptoms

A panic attack can occur at anytime, however i often find it occurs when you are away from home. It’s possible you’ll be at a store shopping, at work preparing for a presentation, in a class, driving, or just strolling down the street  It may even occur during sleep.

The indicators and symptoms develop rapidly and normally arrive at its peak in 10 minutes. The vast majority of panic attacks do not last for more than 30 minutes and it rarely lasts for more than an hour.

A person during an attack may show these signs and symptoms:

  • • Increased heartbeat or palpitation
  • • Stomach churning, upset stomach
  • • Trembling and shaking
  • • Muscle tension
  • • Sweating
  • • Dizziness and light-headedness
  • • Hot or cold flashes
  • • Fear/Worry| of dying, going crazy or {losing control|
  • • Feeling detached from the surroundings
  • Panic Disorder

A panic attack may occur only once without any problem or complication. And there is almost no reason to be concerned if you probably have one or two episodes thought life. However those who have experienced several episodes often develop panic disorder.

Recurring panic attacks along with persistent nervousness and anxiousness for future attacks and major changes in behavior can be  thought of as panic disorder. There are two signs of panic disorder|dysfunction: (1) phobic avoidance and (2) anticipatory anxiety.

Phobic avoidance – |If you begin to avoid} certain issues or situations based on the belief or the assumption that it might trigger another attack. It can also be avoiding situations which have triggered the previous attack. You might also avoid|keep away from locations or situations where escape is difficult and help is unavailable, like riding an elevator or an airplane. Extreme case of phobic avoidance may result in agoraphobia.

Anticipatory anxiety – The “fear of concern” or the concern of having a future panic attacks. The person manifesting this symptom is usually tensed and anxious. When ignored, the condition can be disabling.


Panic disorder with agoraphobia

Agoraphobia is traditionally believed as fear/worry/concern of open locations or public places, thus, it literally means “fear of the marketplace.” However, now {it is} believed that agoraphobia is fear or concern of experiencing panic attack in a place where assistance is difficult or where escape would be| difficult.

Individuals with agoraphobia tend to avoid the following situations or conditions or activities:

  • • Being away from dwelling
  • • Driving
  • • Confined locations where there is a possibility or risk of chance of being trapped elevator, theaters, public transportation, stores,etc.
  • • Going out with “unsafe” person or someone he or she is not comfortable being with.
  • • Locations where it might be embarrassing to have a panic attack like parties, events and other social gatherings.

In severe cases, an individuals with agoraphobia see their dwelling(Home) as the only secure place.

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All material provided in these Blogs are for informational or educational purposes only.
No content is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice,
diagnosis or treatment. Consult your physician regarding the applicability
of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your
symptoms or medical condition.
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Move away from generalized anxiety

flow with whatever

Move away from generalized anxiety

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In order to quickly move away from generalized anxiety
you need to throw yourself 100% into life.

What is needed is to engage regularly in an activity that
stimulates you, and holds your complete attention, something
in which you can become completely absorbed.

Something that distracts you is a very valuable tool in
taking your attention away from the uncomfortable sensation
of anxiety that may be lingering in your body.

You see almost everyone with anxiety finds themselves getting a
bit obsessed about how they feel at any given moment.
The less preoccupied the person is, the more time there
is to obsess over anxious sensations.

I am sure you have noticed that when you are doing
something you enjoy or that really holds your attention,
the less you ‘check in’ to measure your anxiety level.

Quite simply, the more you engage with life the less stagnant
and anxious you will feel.

Some of the possible activities that interest you could be:

Gardening, playing a musical instrument, sport, or simply
having a good conversation with a friend. The idea here is
to find something that you can repeat on a regular basis
that you enjoy doing or that at very least holds your attention.

If you find you have too much time on your hands and are
having problems coming up with something you could do
then I recommend you volunteer in a local voluntary scheme.
It could be anything from helping the elderly, looking after animals
or environmental conservation.

If you can spare even one or two hours a week for such
work, not only will you feel your self-esteem improve, but
it will help shake off any lingering feelings of isolation or
loneliness which are so often accompanied by

One thing you can be certain of is that there is some organization
near you crying out for a volunteer just like you to assist them
with their work.

The art of distraction has always been used to help people
refocus and avoid concentrating on whatever physical or
emotional discomfort the person is going through. It may just
be the caring friend who invites their recently heart broken
roommate out on the town to have some fun.

Dentists and doctors use distraction techniques frequently
to distract the patient from a physical discomfort they may
be experiencing, by giving them something else to
focus on (usually the bill).

The purpose of using distraction, for people who want to
live anxiety free, is to have new experiences that take the
person’s mind off the anxious feelings they have been experiencing.

If you imagine that all the fearful anxious thoughts that go
through your mind are like a roll of film being run through a
film projector (your mind) and out into your life. Concentrating
on some activity immediately cuts the film and brings you directly
into the here and now.

When you are fully engaged with life there is no room for any
anxiety disorder. This mental space you create enables both your
body and mind time to become less sensitized to the anxiety.

By doing something you enjoy and feel you are good at, helps
build new competencies. You are saying to yourself
that the anxiety path is not one you want to travel down anymore
and that you will put your focus elsewhere.

The more time you give to following these rewarding pursuits,
the easier it is for your body to relax and return to a natural
state of peace.

Combine this with my ONE MOVE technique and people often look
back weeks later and wonder if it was really them who was so
anxious all the time. Note, it normally takes a few weeks to
reduce feelings of general anxiety. That is the standard amount
of time to come back to feeling more yourself.

David let me remind you that I am here to work
with you if you want to learn more about my course and
the One Move technique which has turned so many peoples
lives around.

I’m so confident that my program will help
you conquer your anxiety, that I offer a 8 week trial.
If you do not benefit from the course you can have
your money refunded immediately.

My course Panic Away has proved highly successful with
both long and short term sufferers of panic attacks.

Click here to learn more about Panic Away


Here is an example of how the course has helped others.

Hi there.
Just a quick note to say thank-you. I’ve struggled with panic
attacks for the past 31 years. I’m very happy that I kept looking!
More than happy actually – my life is changing daily as it all
comes back together again.
Thanks again,
R Edington

Thank you, I just read this book and already I feel more
confident. I’ve read and bought other panic solutions and
this one finally taught me how to accept the anxiety and
panic in a way I could understand. I wish I’d known about
this when I was a teen-ager. Anyway I feel better just
knowing about this technique. Thank you again for caring
about people.

P.S. I can’t believe this valuable information costs so little,
I bought one program for almost $300.00
R. J – .Woodbridge, Suffolk.


I encourage you to take a chance with this course.
As a former sufferer I would not pretend to have a solution
if I did not honestly believe it could be of great benefit to you.

Together we can get you truly panic free.

P.S. Additional bonus- I am currently offering an opportunity
to people who purchase the program this month, to have free one
to one sessions with me so that I can ensure you get the results
you need. All I ask is that should you feel the course has been of
tremendous benefit to you that I add you to a database I am
currently updating of success stories.

I hope this information has been helpful to you.

To Learn More Visit:

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Low Testosterone Affects Health, Mood, and Sex

How Low Testosterone Affects Health, Mood, and Sex


Low Testosterone and Your Health

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Researchers are unlocking the mysteries of how low testosterone is related to men’s overall health. Along the way, they’re uncovering connections between low testosterone and other health conditions.

Diabetes, metabolic syndrome, obesity, and high blood pressure have all been linked to testosterone deficiency. Low testosterone isn’t known to cause these health problems, and replacing testosterone isn’t the cure. Still, the associations between low testosterone and other medical conditions are interesting and worth a look.

DOES low Testosterone Indicate Poor Health?

In recent years, researchers have noticed general links between low testosterone beach-love-couple-silhouetteand other medical conditions. One showed that in 2,100 men over age 45, the odds of having low testosterone were:

  • 2.4 times higher for obese men
  • 2.1 times higher for men with diabetes
  • 1.8 times higher for men with high blood pressure

Experts don’t suggest that low testosterone causes these conditions. In fact, it might be the other way around. That is, men with medical problems or who are in poor general health might then develop low testosterone.

Research into the relationship between low testosterone and several other health conditions is ongoing.

The 3x Testosterone System

Diabetes and Low Testosterone

A link between diabetes and low testosterone is well established. Men with diabetes are more likely to have low testosterone. And men with low testosterone are more likely to later develop diabetes. Testosterone helps the body’s tissues take up more blood sugar in response to insulin. Men with low testosterone more often have insulin resistance: they need to produce more insulin to keep blood sugar normal.

As many as half of men with diabetes have low testosterone, when randomly tested. Scientists aren’t sure whether diabetes causes low testosterone, or the other way around. More research is needed, but short-term studies show testosterone replacement may improve blood sugar levels and obesity in men with low testosterone.

Obesity and Low Testosterone

Obesity and low testosterone are tightly linked. Obese men are more likely to have low testosterone. Men with very low testosterone are also more likely to become obese.

Fat cells metabolize testosterone to estrogen, lowering testosterone levels. Also, obesity reduces levels of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), a protein that carries testosterone in the blood. Less SHBG means less testosterone.

Losing weight through exercise can increase testosterone levels. Testosterone supplements in men with low testosterone can also reduce obesity slightly.      The 3x Testosterone System #1 Testosterone Boosting Product

Metabolic Syndrome and Low Testosterone

Metabolic syndrome is the name for a condition that includes the presence of abnormal cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, waistline obesity, and high blood sugar. Metabolic syndrome increases the risk for heart attacks and strokes.

Studies show that men with low testosterone are more likely to develop metabolic syndrome. In short-term studies, testosterone replacement improved blood sugar levels and obesity in men with low testosterone. The long-range benefits and risks are still unknown.

How Low Testosterone Affects Health, Mood, and Sex

Low Testosterone and Your Health

Testosterone and Heart Disease

Testosterone has mixed effects on the arteries. Many experts believe testosterone contributes to the higher rates of heart disease and high blood pressure that tend to affect men at younger ages. By this reasoning, high testosterone might be bad for the heart.

But testosterone deficiency is connected to insulin resistance, obesity, and diabetes. Each of these problems increases cardiovascular risk. Men with diabetes and low testosterone also have higher rates of atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries.

A certain amount of testosterone may be necessary for healthy arteries because it’s converted into estrogen, which protects arteries from damage. As yet, no studies show that testosterone replacement protects the heart or prevents heart attacks.

Testosterone and Other Conditions

Low testosterone often exists with other medical conditions:

  • Depression: In a study of almost 4,000 men older than 70, those with the lowest testosterone levels were more than twice as likely to be depressed. This link remained even after allowing for age, general health, obesity, and other variables.
  • Erectile dysfunction (ED): Problems with erections are one of the most common symptoms of low testosterone. Most ED is caused by atherosclerosis. Men with risk factors for atherosclerosis — diabetes, metabolic syndrome, or obesity — often have low testosterone, too.
  • High blood pressure: The effects of testosterone on blood pressure are many and complex. Men with high blood pressure may be almost twice as likely to have low testosterone as men with normal blood pressure. On the other hand, too much testosterone can increase blood pressure. Testosterone acts in multiple ways on blood vessels, so this may account for the varying effects.

Testosterone Replacement Treatment Options

The question that remains is, does low testosterone cause or worsen medical problems like diabetes? Or are people who develop diabetes, or other health problems, simply more likely to also have low testosterone?

Studies to answer these questions are under way, but it will be years before we know the results. In the meantime, remember that testosterone replacement hasn’t been conclusively shown to improve any health condition other than testosterone deficiency and its symptoms. For men with low testosterone levels as measured by a blood test who also have symptoms of low testosterone, the decision to take testosterone replacement is one to make with your doctor.

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WebMD Medical Reference

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Emotion-Regulating Protein Lacking in Panic Disorder

Emotion-Regulating Protein Lacking in Panic Disorder


Three brain areas of panic disorder patients are lacking in a key component of a chemical messenger system that regulates emotion, researchers at the NIH’s National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) have discovered. Brain scans revealed that a type of serotonin receptor is reduced by nearly a third in three structures straddling the center of the brain. The finding is the first in living humans to show that the receptor, which is pivotal to the action of widely prescribed anti-anxiety medications, may be abnormal in the disorder, and may help to explain how genes might influence vulnerability. Dr. Alexander Neumeister and Wayne Drevets, NIMH Mood and Anxiety Disorders Program, and colleagues, report on their findings in the January 21, 2004 Journal of Neuroscience.


Each year, panic attacks strike about 2.4 million American adults “out of the blue,” with feelings of intense fear and physical symptoms sometimes confused with a heart attack. Unchecked, the disorder often sets in motion a debilitating psychological sequel syndrome of agoraphobia, avoiding public places. Panic disorder runs in families and researchers have long suspected that it has a genetic component. The new finding, combined with evidence from recent animal studies, suggests that genes might increase risk for the disorder by coding for decreased expression of the receptors, say the researchers.

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NIMH grantee Dr. Rene Hen, Columbia University, and colleagues, reported in 2002 that a strain of gene “knockout” mice, engineered to lack the receptor during a critical period in early development, exhibit anxiety traits in adulthood, such as a reluctance to begin eating in an unfamiliar environment. More recent experiments with the knockout mice show that a popular SSRI (serotonin selective reuptake inhibitor) drug produces its anti-anxiety effects by stimulating the formation of new neurons in the hippocampus via the serotonin 5-HT1A receptor.

In the current study, Neumeister and Drevets used PET scans (positron emission tomography) to visualize 5-HT1A receptors in brain areas of interest in 16 panic disorder patients—seven of whom also suffered from major depression—and 15 matched healthy controls. A new radioactive tracer (FCWAY), developed by NIH Clinical Center PET scan scientists, binds to the receptors, revealing their locations and a numerical count by brain region. Subjects also underwent structural MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scans, which were overlaid with their PET scan data to precisely match it with brain structures.

In the panic disorder patients, including those who also had depression, receptors were reduced by an average of nearly a third in the anterior cingulate in the front middle part of the brain, the posterior cingulate, in the rear middle part of the brain, and in the raphe, in the midbrain (See images below.). Previous functional brain imaging studies have implicated both the anterior and posterior cingulate in the regulation of anxiety. Stimulation of 5-HT1A receptors in the raphe regulates serotonin synthesis and release. In an earlier PET study of depressed patients, using a different tracer, Drevets and colleagues found less dramatic reductions of the receptor in the anterior and posterior cingulate, but a 41 percent reduction in the raphe. These findings add to evidence for overlap between depression and anxiety disorders.

Although animal experiments have shown that cortisol secretion triggered by repeated stress reduces expression of the gene that codes for the 5-HT1A receptor, such stress hormone elevations are usually not found in panic disorder. Noting the recent discovery of a variant of the 5-HT1A receptor gene linked to major depression and suicide, the researchers suggest that reduced expression of the receptor “may be a source of vulnerability in humans, and that abnormal function of these receptors appears to specifically impact the cortical circuitry involved in the regulation of anxiety.”

Other researchers who participated in the study are Drs. Earle Bain, Allison Nugent, Omer Bonne, David Luckenbaugh, Dennis Charney, NIMH; Richard Carson, William Eckelman, Peter Herscovitch, Warren G. Magnuson Clinical Center.

PET/MRI Cingulate CortexStatistically-analyzed PET scan data superimposed on structural MRI scan (front of brain is at right) shows areas in the anterior and posterior cingulate where panic disorder patients had nearly one third fewer serotonin 5-HT1A receptors compared to healthy control subjects. The lighter the color, the greater the difference between patients and controls.

Source: NIMH Mood and Anxiety Disorders Program, 2004.

PET Raphe Receptor Binding

PET scan shows distribution of serotonin 5-HT1A receptors (front of brain is at top), which were reduced by about a third in the raphe (Ra) in panic disorder patients.

Source: NIMH Mood and Anxiety Disorders Program, 2004

Receptors in Patients Controls data

PET scans revealed that 16 panic disorder patients (circles), including 7 with comorbid depression (dots), averaged nearly a third fewer serotonin 5-HT1A receptors in three key brain areas, compared with 15 healthy controls (triangles).

Source: NIMH Mood and Anxiety Disorders Program,

The mission of the NIMH is to transform the understanding and treatment of mental illnesses through basic and clinical research, paving the way for prevention, recovery and cure. For more information, visit the NIMH website.

About the National Institutes of Health (NIH): NIH, the nation’s medical research agency, includes 27 Institutes and Centers and is a component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. NIH is the primary federal agency conducting and supporting basic, clinical, and translational medical research, and is investigating the causes, treatments, and cures for both common and rare diseases. For more information about NIH and its programs, visit the NIH website.

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Anxiety/ Panic Attack Treatments/Remedies/Therapies


Anxiety/ Panic Attack       Treatments/Remedies/Therapies

Anxiety/Panic attacks can be horrifying. However the good thing is, episodes are typically harmless. In most cases the attacks rarely ever last for more than 30 minutes, with peak of intensity within the first 10 minutes.   What make such Panic/anxiety attacks dangerous is that if it turns into persistent attacks and if it already affects the well being of the individual and already disrupts his or her normal way of life.

The good thing is there is a number of treatments that are proven very effective in stopping anxiety attacks. Let`s  take a look at some of the more popular Treatments:

Breathing technique is one of the most effective methods in controlling anxiety/panic attacks. Proper breathing technique helps slow down heartbeat and helps calm the tensed tissues muscle as a result the attack. Breathing also diverts the mind attention from the “trigger” and calms the self, thus, stopping the attack even faster. Proper breathing techniques can easy to be taught and master. I used a programed called panic away. I was able to learn the techniques need to treat my panic attacks.

Self-hypnosis is a great tool to alter your thought process| in addition to your body reaction to these fearful thoughts. During| an anxiety attack lay down on your back or in any comfortable position and try to process your thoughts. Identify the origin of such fearful thoughts. Know whether it is real. If you concentrate enough try to find the origins of your thoughts, you will quickly understand that they’re actually not a legitimate reason for excessive fear. Sound simple, and it is. Psychiatrists now recommend self-hypnosis as a treatment for panic/anxiety attacks and other anxiety/panic disorders. (Hypnosis and cognitive-behavioral therapy can be utilized together by your therapist to stop symptoms of anxiety attacks.)

Meditation has long been credited to alleviate stress and anxiety| as it promotes the release of energy from the body, relaxes tensed muscle groups, and calms the mind|, which in turn, effectively reduces irrational fear and apprehension. Meditation might not be for all because of the time required to grasp the technique, nevertheless| with proper guidance of a skilled expert. With a little bit of persistence and dedication, you’ll be able to reap its benefits.

Herbs – such as chamomile, passion flower, lavender, and ginkgo biloba are very effective. Long term treatment for Panic/anxiety attacks. Since they are all-natural|, they possess no side effects. They might not be as aggressive as prescription drugs. However they work just as effective.

Prescription medicines can be significant in helping assist in stopping the symptoms of anxiety tension and episodes of anxiety/panic attacks. Antidepressants are the most common anxiety treatment. They {must be taken continuously, which can take as long as six weeks before you noticing the effects. Beta-blockers are {a type of medication that prevents symptoms and signs from recurring. SSRIs or Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors boost the level of serotonin within the brain, which regulates and normalizes emotions.

Therapies – are a very important and have been vital in my anxiety/panic treatment. These target the psychological aspect of anxiety. CBT or the cognitive-behavioral therapy is used to alter the way of thinking.– with time one can change negative, unfavorable, thoughts into positive constructive ones. Techniques used utilized in CBT include role playing and taking part in and relaxation technique. Exposure therapy exposes the individual to the physical sensations of panic attack in a safe and controlled environment. Through way of repeated exposure patient acquire greater self-control and more confidence in facing fearful situation.

Prescription medicines and therapies, when combined and used at treatment, are very effective. Medical research shows that the response rate of patients is much greater when both methods are used. Compared to those that have been treated using only one method.

More info on Panic Away          Click Here



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Anxiety Disorders has a long Family Tree


Intelligent Ways of Managing an Anxiety Attack



Generalized anxiety disorder is one of the most common anxiety disorders which affect a large number of people. However, there are other forms of anxiety disorders as well which affect different proportions in various parts of the globe. These include social anxiety disorder, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). It is important to understand the nature of different anxiety disorders to be able to understand the problem in the right context.

Numbness in hands and feet, nausea, shortness of breath and an inexplicable feeling of apprehension in routine situations are some of the symptoms associated with generalized anxiety disorder. It is important to understand that there are a number of effective medications and useful psycho-therapeutic techniques which can be employed for complete treatment of the problem. However, expert help if needed to ensure proper treatment of the condition which if left untreated can result in anxiety attack in some of the cases.
Anxiety attack is an episode of intense fear or panic which suddenly grips the person and he feels like losing control of himself and experiences heavy breathing, excess of sweating, numbness, twitching and various other symptoms. In some cases, one might feel like undergoing a heart attack because the symptoms are very similar in a sense. It is important to seek expert help immediately and get started with the treatment of the condition.

This can help avoid recurrence of the problem which can result in panic disorder, known as one of the worst consequences of anxiety related problems. Usually, antidepressants and benzodiazepines are used for treatment of anxiety related problems but they have their set of side effects which must also be taken into account for working out the most effective way of treating the condition. There are also alternative medications which can be used with great effectiveness for treating such a condition. These include pure-calm, a homeopathic remedy considered useful for treating anxiety related problems.

One can find a number of positive reviews for purecalm on the web but it is better to be cautious in making a choice of any alternative medication without expert help. This is because it is the complete treatment plan which helps the patient recover in an effective manner. If any medication is not properly incorporated in your treatment plan it can have n adverse effect on the balance of things. On the other hand, these alternative medications definitely have their advantage over standard medication by minimizing the possibility of side effects.

There are several psycho-therapeutic techniques as well which are said to be helpful in treating the condition in an effective manner. These include the technique developed by Joe Barry which can be found the website panic-portal developed by him. However, one needs to be skeptical when considering such techniques advertised on the web and study their relative advantages and disadvantages as based on the Joe Barry review by users available on the web. One should also consult an expert on the matter before making a decision which can affect his future psychological health.

One can also consider visiting an anxiety treatment center and considering what kind of facilities they can provide for the treatment of the condition. This can be especially helpful if the patient is suffering from panic disorder which is a very dreadful condition for anyone. This can help make sure that the problem is tackled in an effective and professional manner by experts. The treatment strategy plays an important role in correcting the process of treatment as it goes on and implementing a personalized version of the treatment.

This can help address issues which might be feared to be left out otherwise because every person is a unique individual with a distinct psychological profile which can help make intelligent decisions for proper treatment. Without a consideration of the psychological profile and any other disorders one might be suffering from, one cannot possibly work out an effective strategy of treatment. This is why that using techniques like Charles Linden method in isolation may or may not help improve the condition of the patient. Then one also needs to consider the reliability of such a method based on expert advice and weighing the pros and cons of the method before considering to use them.

Author Beth I. on Jan 28, 2012



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Dealing With Repercussions of a Panic Attack


Dealing With Repercussions of a Panic Attack

Anxiety might be helpful in performing well under pressure when it occurs in the right proportion but an excess of anxiety can lead to complex psychological issues which need to be addressed by experts. An anxiety disorder is nothing but an exaggerated form of anxiety which starts impeding the ability of a person to do things in a natural manner. The usual symptoms associated with anxiety include numbness in hands and feet, palpitation, twitching, sweating and high levels of emotional irritability.

It is only when these symptoms occur in greater intensity than usual and keep appearing on a regular basis that the presence of an anxiety disorder might be guessed. Early diagnosis is crucial in effective treatment and early recovery of the patient. Some of the commonly found anxiety disorders include generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), social anxiety disorder and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). On the other hand, if anxiety starts peeking and no medical help is sought, one might also experience a panic attack.

It is typically a traumatic episode of fear or panic which grips a person suddenly and he feels like losing control over his own being. Heavy sweating, uncontrolled breathing, twitching, palpitation and muscular tension are some of the symptoms which appear in heightened form during a panic attack. Immediate medical help if required to do some damage control. The experience can easily leave a person shaken to his core due to the sheer intensity of this episode.

A variety of medication and cognitive behavioral therapy approaches can be adopted for treating panic attacks in an effective manner. However, it is best to seek professional help after the first panic attack and not wait for it to recur which can lead to even worse consequences. There are effective medication and treatment methods to cure the condition properly. Some would prefer to use alternative medications like Nerve-tonic as well, which have fewer side effects, if any.


It is a homeopathic remedy often used for treating anxiety related problems with little or no side effects. However, there are a number of opinions which one needs to find out and see for oneself if the users really did benefit from the medication. Along with it one can also seek expert advice on suitability of a medication and it is also important to know that medication is used only to complement the cognitive behavioral therapy used for treating the patient. Its importance cannot be underrated at any cost.

There are a number of other such medications like mind soothe and pure calm which are also used by a number of people affected by anxiety to help with treating them. However, one needs to find out all about the suitability of a medication first. Speaking of standard medication, usually antidepressants and benzodiazepines are used for treating anxiety which have their own side effects. This is why any medications must only be taken on recommendation by experts. There are alternative cognitive behavioral techniques as well-developed by experts like Joe Barry McDonagh which are said to help treat anxiety in an effective manner.

He has developed his own website where you can find all about his technique Panic Away which is said to have helped many people treat their condition effectively. However, one must take such claims with a pinch of salt and consult an expert to discuss the credibility of such techniques and whether that would be suitable for a person. No psychotherapeutic techniques work for every person, so it is important to find out which one will suit a person with a specific psychological profile and needs.

Similar is the case with Linden method which has received many positive reviews on the web but they cannot be taken as reason enough to try out the technique. One must discuss it with his therapist and then see if it is an effective technique can be tried out in his case. There are several factors when deciding the course of treatment of a patient with anxiety related problems and his complete psychological profile must betaken into consideration instead of any single factor to make an intelligent decision. Family support is another factor which must be there in abundance to help the patient feel better about him and recover faster with the right kind of medical help.

AUTHOR Beth I. on Jan 27, 2012



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Can Food Cause Anxiety/Panic Attacks



Can Food Cause Anxiety/Panic Attacks

Posted by Patrick Tjandra on Jan 31, 2012

Anxiety, panic attacks and food are linked in a number of ways. What we put in our body can actually be fueling your anxiety. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to prevent panic attacks by virtue of controlling, avoiding, or reducing the foods that cause panic attacks. Here are some food that have been shown to increase panic attacks, severe anxiety, depression or mood swings.

  • 1. Caffeine

coffee, tea, alcohol, coke stimulate an adrenal response in your body, which  can result in an increase in your anxiety levels, nervousness and insomnia. Caffeine also deplete the body of necessary vitamins and minerals that help balance our mood and nervous system. Recommended dosage – less than 100 mg per day (one cup of percolated coffee or two diet cola beverages per day. Less than 50 mg per day is preferable.

  • 2. Sugar and refined starches

A diet high in refined sugar is indicated in a variety of mood disturbances and decreased energy. This is believed to be due to the release of insulin to quickly decrease blood glucose when large amounts of sugar are consumed. This causes a blood sugar “crash” or hypoglycemia, which is a state of low blood sugar. High sugar diets can also cause lactic acid to build up in the blood. If you suffer from anxiety you should limit your sugar intake and try to eat complex carbohydrates like whole grains. Also, try eating smaller meals throughout the day.

  • 3.Salt raises your blood pressure and deplete your body of important minerals. Your heart will have to work harder and will be stressful. Studies have shown that higher salt intake indeed causes higher anxiety level. Most of the salt intake comes from processed food. Stop buying canned or frozen food that list salt as a major ingredient. Recommended dosage – do not excess 1 gm of salt per day.
  • 4. MSG

MSG is a flavor enhancer that is commonly added to our food supply. The high sodium levels of MSG can have a major irritating effect on the nervous system producing the following: headaches, tingling, numbness and chest pains. MSG’s safe consumption limit is 1 / 3 ounce per day or 9.45 grams per day.

  • 5. Alcohol

Consuming alcohol is often thought of as a way to relax and calm down. But drinking too much alcohol not only increases lactic acid levels in the blood, it also causes fluctuations in blood sugar levels. This leads to increased anxiety, irritability, and disturbed sleep patterns. It is best to drink in moderation and  If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation and not associated with any addiction.


Love who You Are Every Day
Love who You Are Every Day


3 day diet anxiety and Diet

Diet and exercise should be two of the cornerstones of any inclusive treatment plan for coping with anxiety. The correct diet and fitness program could completely wipe out troublesome anxiety symptoms in mild cases and in reality alter the amount and/or sort of medication required in additional harsh cases. Having said that the inaccurate diet mixed with a less than acceptable quantity of exercise could and probable are going to have the opposite result.

there is solid evidence that anxiety could as a matter of fact be manufactured by certain foods and beverages 3 day diet . The most notable biochemical interference recognized in individuals with anxiety is an elevation in blood lactic acid degrees of that nutrition seems to play an incomparable role.


There are at minimum six dietary factors which may be chargeable for the unnaturally high lactic acid grades:

  •  Coffee consumption
  • Sweetener consumption
  • Liquor consumption
  • The possible lack of the B enzymes niacin, pyridoxine, and thiamine
  • Defect in calcium and magnesium
  • Nutriment allergens

many of the culprits listed above can be acknowledged from private experience. Correlated Coverage Anxiety – symptoms And Treatments Anxiety symptoms and cure dialog is relevant seeing as how the amount of hysteria victims are increasing day by day, and this summary may help to recognize the disease at an early stage and seek appropriate cure. anxiety is one amongst the basic emergency answers of man 3 day diet . Anxiety is a general emotion of anxiety, fear and worry. In basic terms anxiety is an alarming situation that aides to prepare you better and to face dangerous scenarios. But still anxiety Attacks – Eat Right and reduce Your anxiety Levels! Making a few simple changes to your diet may help develop your longer term health and reduce panic and anxiety symptoms. Nutriment has a great effect on the way our body thinks and works and assisting your body to operate at it`s highest possible grade may cause emotions and symptoms that mimic panic attacks and anxiety to decrease or disappear anxiety Permanently? Learn what you want to do to treat anxiety. Study if it is actually probable to help remedy to Treat anxiety and Panic Attacks Individuals who experience anxiety and panic attacks have importantly and unwittingly coached themselves to have them. They can be horribly creepy to endure and you possibly can train yourself to not have them. herbal remedies and medicine merely in the short-term mask the problem and should be considered for temporary use is a lot like picking a wrongdoer out image lineup that has been stealing your happiness; you may not realize it was him/her till you see them 3 day diet . Let’s take a look at a case. Our routines are packed with foodstuffs who have the potential to induce anxiety. For instance that sweetener laden high carbo birthday pie that your folks and household insisted you have along with that fresh brewed cup of coffee.

By avoiding coffee, sweetener, liquor, and nutriment allergens, individuals struggling with anxiety could dramatically develop their chances of supervising and possibly getting over anxiety. it’s only human mother nature to imagine that an elaborate biological trouble such as anxiety that is rooted deep within the neurotransmitter function of your head may very well be excluded or handled by taking a few basic steps that merely crave some scheduling and determination.

additionally, most people are selecting to combine diet modification for anxiety with natural herbal remedies. herbal remedies for anxiety have recognized to be a secure, affordable cure option worth considering 3 day diet . if you have been searching for a natural path to address anxiety without prescription drug treatment herbal remedies mixed with diet modification is a nice place to start.
If you are suffering from anxiety or panic attacks it might be time to look at your diet. Try to relax. This can be a simple breathing technique. Or it can be something more organized such as yoga or meditation. This way you can automatically reduce the chance of a panic attack.


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